Hel­lo 👋
Background cloudsPhoto

And I de­ve­lop

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Services details sprite
Services details sprite
Services details sprite
Services details sprite
Services details sprite
Services details sprite

For the last decade I have been working on various projects starting from developing Landing PagesMarketplaces and up to Messengers, and Next.js Web Applications Builder. Eventually, I found my passion in building complex products, that are meant to simplify life and optimize business processes. Are you looking to build or improve one?

Web Apps

Illustration of flying logotypes of all modern front-end technologies

I like to work on complex, interactive products, which are designed to simplify and automate repetitive tasks. Of course, it requires experience with advanced concepts like: User Management System, Authentication, Data management, Access management, Interactivity, Animations, API, 3rd party integrations, Cache, Performance optimization(the list goes on!). So, if you are looking for a Front-End/Full-Stack Developer to join/lead your product development, then let's chat!

Interface Builders

Illustration of a conditional flow-chart

Giving user freedom is a tricky challenge, but I have spend a lot of time mastering development of interactive Website Builders like Boldr  and Crowdfundhq, and drag&drop  Logic Builders, like Bot flow editor for Alive5.


Illustration of a Zero gradually transitioning to One

Going from Zero to One and looking for a Product Market Fit? I know how challenging it is to create new products and discover unseen markets. Also, I know how to prioritize technical roadmap, so your application will meet your beta users as soon as possible with no over-engineered features that should have not existed in the first place.
Building a Minimum Viable Product is a challenge and a ballance between speed and reliability, and I have learned how to move fast, while keeping codebase clean and reliable.


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